Speaking or writing what the TRUTH OF LIFE is about is probably the most difficult thing to talk about or write about.
This is simply because we don’t yet know what the real truth of life is. Or better said, the truth may be withheld from us. Even approaching the subject of truth reaches into many mental, emotional and so-called spiritual patterns. I think of all these patterns as a can of worms that really wiggle a lot.
Visualizing all the stuff that goes on here as such helps me. As far as I am concerned, you want to keep those wiggeling worms within the can in such a way that they cannot escape.
But to give it go anyway, I look at the “truth” and define truth it as the knowledge that gives me all I need to know about why we are here on this planet and what life is all about.
To do so, I will need to look at what goes on in the body, what goes on in the mind and emotions and the so-called spirit. One easy way for me is to divide our life into the outer world and the inner world.
The outer world will include the truth about anything that is outside my body such as air, space, planets, stars, milky ways, universes and so on.
The inner world will include everything inside of me such as organs, cells, cellular structures, atoms, electrons etc. To keep all of this easy, however, all of this comes down to what I think and feel about reality and how this affects my body.
Why don’t we know what is the truth of life?
And to this the fact that the difference in distance to us on earth is measured in light years. One light year is measured as 9,460,730,472,580.8 km (9.46 trillion km). This basically means that what we can see in the universe is back in time, because it takes time for light to travel to reach us. So, as far as the universe is concerned, everything is in constant motion. All this means is that the “real” universe might look very, very different to what we observe (because we are looking back in time).
Now, add on top of all these complexities the fact that the “Big Bang” or “cosmic inflation” are thought off as the beginning of life. This idea is still largely prevalent in today’s science. That means that according to science, everything we experience right now started with “big bang” or even “Pre-big bang” at the very beginning.
Well, is it not obvious that something has to have been there to create the big bang? Some tiny, tiny bit of something? Is it not just logical that “something” must have banged or became “inflated”.
So, it is obvious that with this “scientific approach” we will never get to the truth. A tiny, tiny something, no matter how super powerful, does not come out of nowhere.
On the other hand we have religion covering this smoothly. Religion will tell you that a “God” or “gods” created everything. Hmm, sure, and where did “he, she or they” come from?
You see these are simple questions every child can (and often will) ask.
Now, as there is no answer, just keep asking. This is because the process of asking will activate your intelligence and that process will change you. Currently the correct answer to the question is still shrouded in mystery.
- C.) “Going in”:
Again scientifically speaking, according to contemporary science our physical bodies are made up of give or take 100 trillion cells.! WOW! And that is just the number of our cells! Now, every cell has about 100 trillion atoms! WOW, WOW!
You will admit that these numbers are unbelievably large. Pre-birth, a human makes on average 93 million cells every day for nine month. This goes way past my capabilities of counting and observing. Isn’t this a proof that something very intelligent is at work here? And is it not possible that science does not tell us the truth?
And to make our bodies even more mysterious is the fact that we cannot really see atoms even under the best electron microscope. So how do we know about atoms? Well, we think about them as best we can and then we create computer-generated images that show us some pictures. Science is quite funny, really.
Now, going even smaller, atoms are thought to be made up out off protons, electrons, neutrons and even smaller substances such as quarks, neutrinos and such.
Has anybody ever seen those? The fact that these are completely invisible to our natural eyes was never mentioned in the textbooks I have read, when studying medical science. I still remember growing up thinking without any question that all these particles were real and everything was well established by science.
The fact is that these substances are completely invisible to us but we have made them real to us by creating ways around “seeing”. Again, this is done by computers.
How accurate this process is, is certainly debatable. And this is our best case scenario, At worst, the information we input into our computer tends to be faulty altogether. So, it is still a really good question if protons, electrons and neutrons are actually real or not.
And further, as we are going deeper and deeper into the structure of atoms and beyond, our thinking process tells us that will end up going smaller and smaller. Very, very small, indeed. Eventually we will reach the “plank particle”, which we are told is the smallest particle the universe can do. The size of a planck unit is very small at 1.616 255 × 10−35 m. Any smaller and we are getting into the mathematics of a black hole. At this smallest state however, we discover that we are “almost completely empty space” (about 99,9999% of empty space)
This “almost completely empty space”, means that really, we are not made up of solid matter at all. Yes, we appear to be very solid, but really we are a vast amount of “empty” space. This empty space, however, is thought off as filled with pure but “immaterial” energy. In other words, we are a highly charged almost empty energy field.
There are amazing consequences to this to which I will come in a moment.
So really, there appears to be no end to the mystery that is inside of me either.
- D.) Is this life an illusion or is it real?
Now, I will add here that over the last few years more and more scientists have asked questions regarding the “true” nature of our life. “Are we actually real?”, “Are we really here or is this whole thing just an illusion?”
If you follow the development of virtual reality, these are very good questions, that are not easy to answer. It appears that “reality” is a very complex set of data involving electricity, electromagnetism and plasma.
My own answer to the “virtual reality” question is this: When I meditate, there is an aspect in me that really wants to know who I truly am. That part is important. When I hit this aspect in my meditation, I move into the state of being in the NOW, this very moment. This movement to the NOW is very clear. It is as if you suddenly realize that thinking produces a movie inside you and then suddenly you see that it is a movie!
In this moment, it does not really matter if I live in a multilevel virtual reality or not. Because NOW at any level is the consciousness of this particular moment right now.
Additionally, realizing the moment of NOW will trigger a “waking up” process. This is an energetic process because the energy contained in NOW is very, very alive.
So, simply said, in my experience, when I live in the NOW, I vibrate on an energy level that cuts right through all virtual realities. And within the NOW is the truth.
>> Go here for Part 2 of the Truth:

Is it not incredible that we get born here on this planet, live here for about 80+ years and then die?
During that time you usually do not learn what this life is all about. Nobody will teach you the truth of life in kindergarten or schools. Later on you do not learn what life is in our universities or other learning institutions. And we also do not learn the truth of life by adopting any of the many religious patterns.
There are around 10.000 different religions and none of those (as far as I now) will explain why there is an existence. There are gods for sure, but where do those actually come from and why is there a need for our existence?
So wherever you look and whenever you ask intelligent questions, such as “Who really am I?”, the best you can get as an answer is “mystery”!
To the best of my own experience , the only way I can learn the truth is by living our lives fully, by asking intelligent questions and by not being afraid to apply what I have learned from the answers we receive to the way I live my life.
Is it not strange to you that we do not know who we really are with certainty? To me this is not because we are actually stupid men and women. To me, we do not know what is really going on, because our species has been subjected over many thousands of years to a huge amount of partly true information, nut never the whole of it.
This has been done with the clear intention of side-tracking us from knowing who we really are. Yes, the pieces of information we receive are certainly entertaining but they will keep us in the unknown when it comes to knowing why we are here and what the purpose of this existence is. And as we get bombarded with all sort of misinformation and it is very easy to mislead us.
Truly, however, the true knowledge of who we really are and why we are really here is already available to us. However, this truth of life needs to be looked for and actually needs to be lived by each individual.
- 1. Start with a steady enquiry
One of the things that are necessary to develop within is the ability to find the truth of yourself. In my own experience I can only do that when I am able to hold a steady enquiry.
It is difficult to focus on any subject when the thinking mind and all sorts of emotions are jumping all over the place. Therefore it becomes necessary to have the ability to focus on a subject for as long as it takes to know the truth of it.
To me, this is what meditation is for. Meditation is a very, very awake state. It is the clear inquiry into who I am and what life is all about. In my life, I meditate about 2 hours per day. This time is invaluable.
- 2. Looking at important aspects of Life
When you focus on the truth of life by being in an awake and clear state of “mind”, in other words in meditation, life itself will lead you to a number of transformations. This is because life is an enormously powerful energy.
There are many of those transformations that come with meditation on the truth of life. And each transformation will lead you to a new set of insights and you become clearer and clearer.
Lets look at some important aspects of the truth.
- A.) Insights and certainty:
When the full truth of life is realized by you, it will reveal to you with absolute certainty what this life is all about. This means for example you get to know why you have a “temporary body” and what the process of thinking and feeling is all about.
The only way to do this practically, in my own experience, is by being willing to ask clear and fearless questions. It is best to ask these questions during a period of meditation where you are undisturbed. Most answers you will get to your inner inquiry will come as “flashes of insight” right from within you. These flashes of insight are “vibrations of consciousness” that become active when you ask the right questions.
This simply means that all the answers are already within you, but it order to hear those answers you will need to ask the right questions and then you also need to have the willingness to change your life according to the answers that you get from within.
This not always the easiest thing to do but in my own life, this type of honest enquiry has always been the fastest way for change. Additionally, this honesty and let’s call it “intensity” was very necessary to increase the sensation of being “alive” in me.
This is a great process. The energy of truth, the sensation of love, the playfulness of joy and the clarity of intelligence will be your guide when you do this. Remember that truth, love, joy and intelligence are already within you waiting to live,
As you do this, you will gradually change who you are and the vastness that is real life will reveal itself to you.
Once this happens you will create the power to live a different life. That will be a life that is based in truth, love and intelligence.
This, in a nutshell, is the process to uncovering the truth of life.
- B.) Going “out”:
Going “out” means exploring the “outside life”, the external, what happens outside of your body. (Please keep in mind that really, there is no “in” and “out”, but I will use those terms anyway to describe the universe and the inner physical body.)
Really, there is no “borderline” for outside life. But science will usually tell you that about 13,8 billion years ago there was a “Big Bang” or a so-called “cosmic inflation”. 13,8 billion years is how far light has travelled since the assumed “beginning” and the speed of light is thought to be the maximum speed of how fast things can move.
Because of this type of thinking there is no way to know if there is something outside the limit of 13,8 billion years. The universe might be limitless but we just do not know for certain.
However, within this “visible” realm we already have about 200 billion galaxies. This a very big number, it’s a 200 followed by 9 zeroes And please bear in mind that you need human developed computers to get information like this.
Now, every galaxy has about 100 to 400 billions stars. That is written as 400 followed by 9 zeroes 400.000.000.000. This is obviously a lot of stars and you can appreciate that a number this large cannot be properly observed by astronomers. We would already need about 10.000 years if we would count one star per second. So, clearly, the number 400 billion alone is beyond our comprehension.
And to this the fact that the difference in distance to us on earth is measured in light years. One light year is measured as 9,460,730,472,580.8 km (9.46 trillion km). This basically means that what we can see in the universe is back in time, because it takes time for light to travel to reach us. So, as far as the universe is concerned, everything is in constant motion. All this means is that the “real” universe might look very, very different to what we observe (because we are looking back in time).
Now, add on top of all these complexities the fact that the “Big Bang” or “cosmic inflation” are thought off as the beginning of life. This idea is still largely prevalent in today’s science. That means that according to science, everything we experience right now started with “big bang” or even “Pre-big bang” at the very beginning.
Well, is it not obvious that something has to have been there to create the big bang? Some tiny, tiny bit of something? Is it not just logical that “something” must have banged or became “inflated”.
So, it is obvious that with this “scientific approach” we will never get to the truth. A tiny, tiny something, no matter how super powerful, does not come out of nowhere.
On the other hand we have religion covering this smoothly. Religion will tell you that a “God” or “gods” created everything. Hmm, sure, and where did “he, she or they” come from?
You see these are simple questions every child can (and often will) ask.
Now, as there is no answer, just keep asking. This is because the process of asking will activate your intelligence and that process will change you. Currently the correct answer to the question is still shrouded in mystery.
- C.) “Going in”:
Again scientifically speaking, according to contemporary science our physical bodies are made up of give or take 100 trillion cells.! WOW! And that is just the number of our cells! Now, every cell has about 100 trillion atoms! WOW, WOW!
You will admit that these numbers are unbelievably large. Pre-birth, a human makes on average 93 million cells every day for nine month. This goes way past my capabilities of counting and observing. Isn’t this a proof that something very intelligent is at work here? And is it not possible that science does not tell us the truth?
And to make our bodies even more mysterious is the fact that we cannot really see atoms even under the best electron microscope. So how do we know about atoms? Well, we think about them as best we can and then we create computer-generated images that show us some pictures. Science is quite funny, really.
Now, going even smaller, atoms are thought to be made up out off protons, electrons, neutrons and even smaller substances such as quarks, neutrinos and such.
Has anybody ever seen those? The fact that these are completely invisible to our natural eyes was never mentioned in the textbooks I have read, when studying medical science. I still remember growing up thinking without any question that all these particles were real and everything was well established by science.
The fact is that these substances are completely invisible to us but we have made them real to us by creating ways around “seeing”. Again, this is done by computers.
How accurate this process is, is certainly debatable. And this is our best case scenario, At worst, the information we input into our computer tends to be faulty altogether. So, it is still a really good question if protons, electrons and neutrons are actually real or not.
And further, as we are going deeper and deeper into the structure of atoms and beyond, our thinking process tells us that will end up going smaller and smaller. Very, very small, indeed. Eventually we will reach the “plank particle”, which we are told is the smallest particle the universe can do. The size of a planck unit is very small at 1.616 255 × 10−35 m. Any smaller and we are getting into the mathematics of a black hole. At this smallest state however, we discover that we are “almost completely empty space” (about 99,9999% of empty space)
This “almost completely empty space”, means that really, we are not made up of solid matter at all. Yes, we appear to be very solid, but really we are a vast amount of “empty” space. This empty space, however, is thought off as filled with pure but “immaterial” energy. In other words, we are a highly charged almost empty energy field.
There are amazing consequences to this to which I will come in a moment.
So really, there appears to be no end to the mystery that is inside of me either.
- D.) Is this life an illusion or is it real?
Now, I will add here that over the last few years more and more scientists have asked questions regarding the “true” nature of our life. “Are we actually real?”, “Are we really here or is this whole thing just an illusion?”
If you follow the development of virtual reality, these are very good questions, that are not easy to answer. It appears that “reality” is a very complex set of data involving electricity, electromagnetism and plasma.
My own answer to the “virtual reality” question is this: When I meditate, there is an aspect in me that really wants to know who I truly am. That part is important. When I hit this aspect in my meditation, I move into the state of being in the NOW, this very moment. This movement to the NOW is very clear. It is as if you suddenly realize that thinking produces a movie inside you and then suddenly you see that it is a movie!
In this moment, it does not really matter if I live in a multilevel virtual reality or not. Because NOW at any level is the consciousness of this particular moment right now.
Additionally, realizing the moment of NOW will trigger a “waking up” process. This is an energetic process because the energy contained in NOW is very, very alive.
So, simply said, in my experience, when I live in the NOW, I vibrate on an energy level that cuts right through all virtual realities. And within the NOW is the truth.
>> Go here for Part 2 of the Truth: