The TRUTH continued…
Part 2: Finding the truth of life
So, finding the truth of life is done by you asking intelligent questions and then listening to the answers to those questions from within you. When you do this, life will provide you with new suggestions of how to live and give you new insights into what is the truth and what is real.
Now, the last point of practically changing your life is very important, because the truth will definitely cause you to change your life. Saying this in other words…you will live a different life after realizing the truth (either inside or outside).
Collectively in 2024 we are currently at a point in the evolution of life on earth where it is more possible than ever to “wake up” and live our unbelievably deep and vast knowledge (currently repressed).
With that awakening comes the realization of an amazing love of life. You will for example realize that you live in an amazing miracle body within an absolutely amazing miracle universe. Realizing this alone is a big, big step to the truth.
What happens when you live the truth practically?
When you start realizing that you have literally the whole universe inside of you, you will start living the truth of life as you experience it, practically. Here it is good to know that the truth has very direct effects on your physical body as well as your emotional body. You will notice that your thinking mind works differently as well.
So please never forget that the truth will change you. In fact, you cannot be the same as most of our current existence here is based on misinformation.
To repeat, the truth will change you. You will live a more and more true life. Everything inside of you will vibrate differently. You will enter a different wavelength; the wavelength of truth and love.
You actually become more alive and fell more alive. Plus there will be a knowing that your body is in complete harmony with the power that makes the universe.
You are the universe. You have it all inside of you!
The changes that are happening happen because of so-called “elevated” cosmic influences that are currently penetrating people’s being, psyche and body. This is quite a strong influence that may not be apparent to you because you usually do not look at those influences that much. Or it might..
Stars, planets and energies created in the cosmos change every moment. Currently these energies make it very possible to realize the truth of life.
As a result you will suddenly have insights that you never had before and those insight will cause changes such as changes to the air that you breathe or the foods that you eat for energy.
Much more could be said about this but to sum it up, the energy you call your intelligence makes sudden evolutionary “jumps” that are very difficult to predict. So, as a result of this process there will be more and more people that open up to the “cosmic” truth of life on earth.
This will trigger the processes that we are currently experiencing on earth.
Questions you can ask
Now, the subjects I will mention now are the ones that I have asked increasingly in my own life since I was still a small kid.
It is important to let these questions vibrate inside of you. Letting these question vibrate inside of you is very powerful. All you need to do is to take an honest look at your life and check what you really know. If you do not get an answer, just keep asking. The process of continuous questioning will create more and more energy and eventually an answer will dawn on you. Be patient.
Step 1: Was there ever a big bang?
I mentioned earlier that we are taught that life started with the “Big Bang” (or more recently “cosmic inflation”). Now please ask “What banged?” or “What got inflated?” and you will notice that you cannot get a correct answer with that type of questioning. This is simply so, because something must have been there to bang in the first place. So the big bang can’t have been the beginning.
When you do not get an answer to “What banged”? just look at the fact that you do not (yet) know, and then stay with the energy of the question. Don’t fall asleep or dismiss the question. Eventually you will find that by keeping the question unanswered something will happen inside of you. This energetic “something” will open you to the mystery of life.
The key here is that questions that do not provide answers will keep your consciousness open and start an exploration of the unknown. You are brightly awake and are able to receive new and possible insights.
Step 2: What is going on inside of me?
When I started to “go in” by using meditation, it took a while to get past the impression that we really know physics (in other words the origin of life). I was also under the impression that we can actually see atoms, protons, electrons, etc.
Well what we can actually see is that we are made of small particles. Not just some particles here and there but billions of them! When I understood that, I realized that these numbers and the intelligence created those incredible number of cells and subcellular substances is way beyond something that I can put together myself. And yet I did it by creating this body in my mother’s womb.
The beauty of this realization was that I started to realize and sense that the consciousness of who we really are, has the mind-blowing ability to arrange and re-arrange the amazing biochemistry of our bodies according to what we think and feel.
I realized that consciousness is the real creator of our lives. Knowing this, it becomes possible to move beyond the limited thought forms that we have learned in schools or universities and actually recreate my body, my mind and my spirit in a new and much better way. In the way that I chose to be.
Step 3: I am free!
Not a question really, but a realization! So with the insight of being able to change and re-create my body, mind and spirit comes the insight that on a “physiological” level, I am almost completely pure “energy” (99,9999% pure energy). Knowing this and meditating with this makes it possible that my thoughts and feelings can therefore change the physiological make-up of the body.
And this is where it becomes possible to re-construct the physical body from disease to health for example. That this is possible has been proven again and again by Dr. Joe Dispenza, whom I highly recommend reading and watching.
With the knowledge that I can re-create my body the real questions then become for example: “How can I create full health for my body” or “Who do I choose to be”. Big questions.
And these are only two questions (albeit essential questions). Or you might choose to look at your relationships or your work.
Once you take the time to really look at those questions, let them vibrate inside of you, there is more and more clarity. Then big changes can be made in life. One example would be that hidden fears are replaced by clarity, courage and an “inner knowing”. In this way you can replace doubts and uncertainty.
Step 4: Love, intelligence and creativity.
As far as I know and sense, we are beings that are meant to live the energy of love and live in an energy field that is abundantly full of intelligence and love. And when you live love and intelligence another energy called “creativity” becomes stronger and stronger. These energies are easy to understand, yet many times we get caught up in living for money, for personal power or some other short-vision purpose. Living for love, intelligence and creativity is a tremendous undertaking. To me, it has become is my life’s quest.
Step 5: Meditation.
Meditation is the key. With meditation you can systematically realize everything that is important and everything that I am indicating here. Time spend in meditation every day has invaluable effects.
Firstly, meditation makes it possible to see through the great onslaught of largely unnecessary information that so often uses up so much of our life energy on a day-to-day basis. So much so that we have hardly time to reflect what is going on here.
To me, meditation is the key to open the door to real life and I will write and talk about meditation next.
What I have talked about today are the steps I am living myself daily. I have been living this way for a long time now and I have been able to continuously adapt to the truth of life as it is being revealed to me.
And lastly, when you decide for yourself to live the truth of life, it will be you who will find your own truth. It is a very individual process. Nobody can do this for you because in effect you are very different to the person next to you and in fact you are the only “I” that exists. So you can talk with other people but in the end it will be only you who can make a change to your life.
Having said this, however, what we can do is live together in such a way that each of us shares his or her individuality and thereby contributes to the living of love, the living of intelligence and the living of creativity. To me, this is why we are all here.
Thank you