



Today, many people want to learn meditation. And there is a simple reason for that.

Because meditation is the way to connect you with who you REALLY are.

So that makes meditation the most important skill to learn ever.


It is a fact that today more and more people are “waking up”.

But what does this ‘waking up’ actually mean? And what are we waking up to?

To give a short answer to this question, we are waking up to the knowledge that we actually live temporarily in what you can call a “phantasy” world.

We live in a “phantasy” world that we are creating ourselves, based on our “own” thoughts and our “own”feelings. We really are that powerful!

And because we are creating this world, we can also change it. The power to do so is within us as well! And it needs to be woken up!

So, these days, many of us are starting to feel that there is another, more real, more beautiful life within us. And it wants to be lived because it is the real life.

Now, as you also will have noticed, for many people this current world of ours is becoming more and more challenging to live in.


You have probably noticed that there are a lot many more rules and regulations in our lives than even just a few years ago, and as it is, these rules and regulations are still increasing.

And you might have also have also noticed, that many of these rules and regulations do not make a make a lot of sense to the people of this world and appear to have the result that our free and creative spirit becomes more and more confused and restricted.

The reason for this is that the true spirit within us is purposefully held in confusion so that a small number of individuals can create their “phantasy” reality for us.

Now, and as you will learn in meditation, YOU AND I ACTUALLY ARE CREATIVE SPIRIT. Beautiful, wonderful, loving and free!

As a result of these confusing times, it has become a fact that more and more people have started to really question “What is the real meaning of life”?, “How can I live a fulfilled life?” and most importantly: “IS LOVE REAL?”

And these questions are especially true and meaningful for the younger generation who are being targeted primarily.


So why can’t we see clearly? A very good question.

What is stopping us?. And even more importantly: “How can we wake up?”

There are actually many reasons for why we can’t see too clearly. Mainly however, it is a “hypnotic effect” that we have learned and that we now have to unlearn. The great thing is that unlearning is possible. So we can actually wake up! Yes, it does take time and effort, but really it is just a matter of you and I learning how to do it.

Here are some of the main ways that the “hypnosis” has been put into place:

Already as babies and small kids, we are pushed through a learning program and later a school system that does not really give us insights into what life (and love) is all about. Really, all it does is give us just enough information so that we can live our lives in service to a very small group of individuals.

That is the idea

Bigger questions, such as “What is life really all about?”, or “Why can I remember only so very, very little of who I really am?”, and “How can I live love?” mostly ago unanswered.

Instead, we are educated to live a life that is in many ways orientated to making money first. We are told that money gives us security and we are surprised when it actually does not do that.

So by focusing our energies primarily on making money, instead of love, life and joy, we miss out a lot on why we are really here (which is to live love), and what life is really all about.

But the good thing is that somewhere deep inside of us we do know that what we are learning in schools and in society are just the current thinking- and behavior patterns. But as they are given to us over and over and over again, we eventually give in, we surrender, we start believing and start living what we have learned. This process used to make us this way, is called PROGRAMMING.

By the time we are adults this programming goes very, very deep and there are many, many layers to it. But although it is sometimes not easy to see the layers, it is nevertheless possible to wake up to see them! And when you start seeing your own thinking- and behavior patterns, you can then change the way you live. That is your freedom and it goes very deep.

And it is precisely at this point that meditation becomes very, very important.

Because every time you meditate, you will become a bit more real and start throwing away that which is covering you up.

Every time you meditate, you will become faster in realizing what is really going on inside of you and outside of you. And the more you do that, the more you discover what LIFE IS REALLY ALL ABOUT.

In other words, you become clearer, stronger, more energized, healthier and more loving.



Firstly, it is good to know that there are many meditation techniques available and we will utilize a few of them in our training.

The most important meditation however, is that you will connect with WHO YOU REALLY ARE.

Here are some of the aspects that we will be going into:

  • You will learn how to live more and more in present time
  • You will learn how to feel your physical body much better
  • You will learn about emotions and thinking and what effects they have on you
  • You will learn how to start living more and more from your intuition and spirit
  • You will learn how to live much more from your own love
  • You will realize that you can chose your work based on what you really love to do every day
  • You will start to communicate with other people from what is really going on inside of you.

As you can see, these 7 honest points I mentioned, go deep.

By meditating on these aspects alone you will get insights on how to make powerful changes toward a much more fulfilled life.

And once this process starts happening, we can then all work more and more together in creating a life where we truly enjoy living with each other and in which our children can fully thrive.

Welcome to meditate 🙂


We have ONE more meditation weekend this year:

  • Teacher: Michael Cramm N.D.
  • Place: YogaSource studio, Lauttasaari, Särkiniementie 5 c 60, 00200 Helsinki kartta
  • Date: Sat.31.8. – Sun.1.9.2024
  • Time: 10.00 a.m. – 16.30 p.m.
  • Cost: 180,00 € + 24% ALV

If you are interested in participating, or need further information, please contact me at

